New In Archery

Interested in learning archery?

The  Bacchus Marsh Bowmen (BMB) Club provides a pathway to learn and develop proper archery skills. 


To begin archery with BMB at any age, you first need to attend an Introductory Course held monthly at our club grounds.  During the four-hour course; class time is spent understanding and discussing types of archery equipment, range safety and explaining proper shooting form followed by practical application being kitted out with club equipment and firing arrows at our practice butts to develop proper form whilst observing all safety procedures.  The Introductory course is delivered using club recurve bows.


All BMB Introductory Courses are held at our club room situated at 28 Bullard Road, Gisborne, approximately 55km north west of Melbourne CBD along the Calder Freeway.  Our grounds are approximately 5 km out from the Gisborne CBD on the Melton-Gisborne Road.


Introductory courses are held on the last Sunday of each month subject to variation and demand.  The course is restricted to a maximum class size of 12 participants commencing at 9.00am.  The course is in high demand and early registration is advised to ensure a position on the next available course.


The Introductory Course is conducted using club provided recurve bows,  arrows and accessories.  The skills learnt on the Introductory Course using recurve bows is directly transferable to  compound bow use.    Generally, BMB does not allow participants to use their own equipment on the Introductory Course; however, this may be waivered dependant on the discretion of the Club Coach or Field Instructor passing a safety inspection of all private equipment.


The fee for the Introductory Course includes mandatory 3 month insurance cover as well as the use of club archery equipment during your probationary period.  The fee for the Introductory Course is 17yrs+ $40.00 and <17yrs $20.00.  (fee increased 1.1.2023)


Please contact the club via to arrange registration providing your name, phone number and reply email address.    You will be promptly contacted by a club representative to progress your registration request.


Closed toe footwear must be worn during the course for safety reasons (no thongs or sandals).   Avoid baggy, oversize, or loose fitting clothing as it has potential to interfere with the bow string when shooting.   Likewise long hair should be tied up to ensure it remains away from the bowstring.   Although wearing hats is sun smart care must be taken to ensure the brim of the hat does not touch the bow or bowstring.  The brim of your hat should be as small as possible as the bow string will be touching your face and hat brims touching the bow string causes bow string disturbance.


Although there is no defined age to begin archery , BMB suggests the 11-12 age group appropriate as by this age the child possess sufficient strength, co-ordination, concentration focus and ability to comprehend and follow safety procedures.  We acknowledge that each child’s physical and cognitive development varies significantly and we encourage parents or carers to discuss their child’s archery learning ability with instructing staff.  Conversely there is no upper age when you can start to learn archery.  BMB has numerous members in their 60’s and 70’s and it is great way to keep active and maintain social and community connectedness while learning and participating in a new sport.


If you have undertaken previous formal archery instruction or participated in sanctioned archery competition under an archery organisation here or overseas,   BMB may;  upon production of suitable evidence , waive the necessity to attend the Introductory Course.   Instruction at holiday resorts, Scounting, Guides, school camps, casual functions will generally be insufficient to meet this waiver.


Completion of the Introductory Course and payment of the Introductory Course fee entitles you to a 3 month BMB Probationary Membership of Bacchus Marsh Bowmen.  During this probationary period, you are encouraged to compete in our monthly intra club competition occurring the first Sunday of each month, as well as availability to attend the club grounds 7 days a week to use the practice butts or shoot on the practice course.  As a probationary member you are restricted to only intra club competitions and during competition will be placed with either a Coach, Field Instructor or other experienced senior member of the club for mentoring and advice in order to continue to develop proper shooting form.


At the expiration of your three month probationary period, to continue to be involved with the club you must register as a member of Australian Bowhunters Association (ABA).  BMB is one of approximately 100 archery clubs across Australia affiliated under ABA which is our governing body.  The ABA website contains instruction on how to join ABA as well great information on other archery clubs across Australia plus the rules and policies of competitive archery in its various forms.  Once a member of ABA you are covered by the association’s insurance policy and able to compete at any ABA affiliated club across the country.


Upon approaching expiry of your probationary membership and after becoming an ABA member, you may then apply to apply to become a full member of the club.  Membership entitles you to all the rights and privileges of the club including access to our practice ranges 7 days a week, in contention for club awards and the right to put motions and to exercise a vote at club general and AGM meetings.  Club fees are due on the 1st of July annually with pro-rata for part year payment.  Annual BMB Club fees are Senior $40, Junior $25, Cub $10 and Family $80.


During your three months probationary membership you are welcome to continue to use our club equipment when the club rooms are open and you will be exposed to the varying styles of equipment across traditional, recurve and compound bows.  Hopefully this exposure will assist you in deciding what style and class of archery you most enjoy and want to compete in.  Towards the expiration of your probationary membership, the club expects you to transition to your own archery equipment however there is flexibility in this area.  Generally, novice members are  keen around this time to acquire their own archery equipment in order to customise it to their personal measurements and requirements in order to practice and compete with.  


The Club often fields enquiries from the public about group bookings such as archery themed birthday parties, family shoots or school / social / friendship group wanting to book out an Introductory Course or a group booking for a specific date. Unfortunately, the Club does not extend our Introductory Course in this format nor able to accomodate group requests. Our Introductory Course is heavily subscribed and ran by our volunteer Club Coach and Field Instructors focusing on providing participants with archery understanding, proper shootign form, range safety and shooting arrows on the practice range under close supervision using club equipment. The Introductory Course offers a pathway for participants to join BMB for the competitive and social aspects of being a club members rather than a one off group archery experience.


Avoid falling into the trap of buying new archery equipment too soon.  A new bow with necessary accessories and arrows can be expensive whereas there is a plethora of good quality second hand equipment on the market that will adequately suit you novice requirements.  Being new to archery you will gain greater initial improvement by focusing on proper shoot form and technique via regular practice regardless if using new or second hand.  Delaying purchasing new equipment is advantageous as it allows you to build up your archery knowledge, enabling you to make better and more informed decisions as to what new archery equipment best suits your needs and competition class minimizing wasteful and expensive purchases on new equipment that does not match or suit your needs.   


The club provides qualified coaching individually as well as small group periodically for a small fee for those that seek specific tutelage beyond what you will acquire from competing and learning from experienced members.  The fee paid goes back into the club.


The Bacchus Marsh Bowmen Club welcomes new members regardless of age, sex , ability and walk of life.  The club currently comprises members of varying ages and sex and archery is one of the rare sports where male and female compete evenly against one another.  The club offers a great family atmosphere and is committed to maintaining an inclusive and friendly environment ensuring fun and the opportunity to make new friends.